Thursday, June 18, 2009


Originally uploaded by M R Goodwin
35mm can be a little iffy -- the negs are really small and it seems it always needs more development than 120. Opa has many faces, I like this one, because it seems to capture an unguarded moment

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Error in Judgement

Error in Judgement
Originally uploaded by M R Goodwin
Using the Unicolor C-41 kit couldn't be simpler. You mix up the developer, blix and stabilizer, feeling all the while a bit like a mad scientist. You draw a bath for your chems in your kitchen sink well above the target 102 degrees fahrenheit, let the chems come to temp, pre-soak using the water once it comes close to the target temp. Pour that out, pour in the developer, process 3.50 mins, pour that back in the bottle, pour in the blix for another 6.50 mins, then wash for 3 mins and stabilize for 1 min. I've been keeping the developer at 102, but have not worried where the blix, water or stabilizer are - just so long as they are pretty warm (they've been in the bath with the developer, so they'll be close).

I think, in photography, there are those who've done it and know what they are talking about, those who do not know, but pretend they do, and those attached to rules to the exclusion of all else.

I want to be in the first group.

This image is the result of an error in the mechanics of processing, not in the chemistry of it.